Achieving SDGsSDGS

"Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" are a universal set of goals listed in "the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development", which was adopted at the UN summit in September 2015, to aim for the better and more sustainable world by 2030.
SDGs pledge to "leave no one behind" and they are the universal goals that not only developing countries but also developed countries have been working on. Japan has been also proactively working towards those goals.
We, Fasford Technology also strive to contribute to a sustainable society.

SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS We may be the last generation that has a chance to save the planet

Environmental activities

Environmental activities
  • 1. We perceive harmony with the environment to be one of our top-priority management issues regarding our production activity of semiconductor equipment, products and services.
  • 2. We promote continuous improvement of the environmental management system and prevention of pollution to improve our environmental performance based on the ISO14001:2015 Standards.
  • 3. We conduct product development assessments and aim to improve the energy and resource efficiency of our products.
  • 4. We continue our energy saving practices in our workplace, by mainly saving energy on air conditioning and lighting.
  • 5. We promote to reuse and recycle waste materials and strive to continue our zero emission efforts by reducing the total amount of waste produced as well as the final amount of waste to be disposed of.
  • 6. We proactively support environmental protection by engaging in activities such as our monthly cleaning.
  • 7. Installation and use of Quist [next-generation home delivery locker system]
  • 8. Utilization of renewable energy by solar power generation system

Contributing to social development

Contributing to social development
  • 1. We lead the world with our bonding technology.
  • 2. We aim for social development and everlasting happiness of our employees and their families through our company's growth.
  • 3. We continue to provide products and services that exceed customer needs.
  • 4. We pursue a triple win relationship between our customers, partners and Fasford.
  • 5. We contribute to society with our originality and effort through our products and technology.


  • 1. Complying with International Standards (ISO9001 and ISO14001)
  • 2. Appropriately abiding by various laws and regulations
  • 3. Building healthy partnerships with our business partners

Diversity, work style reform, education, health promotion

Diversity, work style reform, education, health promotion
  • 1. A diverse workplace with people of different gender, nationality, race, age, etc. where they have opportunities to make use of their attributes and characteristics and the organization's flexibility.
  • 2. Flexible communication in the open office without partitions between different departments.
  • 3. Human Resource system, development, education and training that enable employees to show their skills and abilities.
  • 4. Establishing an environment with open communication across departments, hierarchy and age groups as well as organizing cross communication activities (Monthly team recreational activities).
  • 5. Certified as Yamanashi excellent company engaged in health management

Working with the community

Working with the community
  • 1. Carrying out regular environmental beautification activities locally
  • 2. Accepting interns and employees' family members for work experience
  • 3. Engagement in blood donation
  • 4. Providing sponsorship and cooperation for Yamanashi/Minami-Alps related projects
  • 5. Cooperation to social welfare